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These specialized programs are designed by IAM departments. Questions and specifics about these programs should be directed to the sponsoring department, which can be reached by calling IAM Headquarters at 301-967-4500.

2025 Call Letters and Registration Forms (click and scroll down)

2025 Table of Dates (print or download)




Basic Communicators Class

The Basic Communicators Class is geared toward lodge Communicators and is designed to upgrade their skills and take their lodge communications to the next level by providing instruction in: writing, social media, marketing, photography, desktop publishing, on-camera presence, and legal issues. The class does not provide instruction on building or maintaining websites. Requirements: the participant must be the communicator for their lodge and must have either personal or lodge access to the internet and email capability.



Basic Web Development

The Website Development program is designed to teach participants the basics of building a union website. Participants create, refine and publish a complete website using “hands-on” instruction techniques and are encouraged to build upon basics learned in class and create unique websites.



Advanced Communicators Class

The Advanced Communicators Class is geared toward District and Local Lodge Communicators who have attended the Basic Communicator Class and is designed to expand on the basic communication aspects covered in the first course and upgrade skills to take their lodge communications the next level by providing detailed instruction in writing, photography, and video for social media, marketing, graphics, and desktop publishing. Participants must be the Communicator for the Local or District Lodge, must have attended the Basic Communicator Class, and must have personal or lodge access to the internet and email capability.



Intermediate Web Development

Intermediate Website Development is for local and district lodges that already have a website and are using WordPress. Participants must have successfully completed the Basic Web Development class using WordPress, must be currently maintaining their lodge’s website address (no addresses), must be registered and currently maintaining access for httpss://, and must be registered and currently maintaining access for httpss://



Newswriting for Communicators

The Newswriting for Communicators course will teach Local and District Communicators powerful writing skills to improve the ability of the IAM to better present the ideas and principles of trade unionism to our members and the public at large. The class will be an intense week-long writing boot camp and will include writing shop flyers, press releases, letters to the editor, short news stories, and feature news stories. Because of the highly-specialized and hands-on training, class size is limited. Participants should complete and return the enclosed registration form as soon as possible to ensure a place in this class. Participants must be IAM members in good standing.



Advanced Web Development

Advanced Web Development focuses on additional refinements to IAM websites such as online forms, Macromedia Flash-enabled elements, and more detailed graphics. Layout and design and writing are also highlighted during the program. Participants should have already attended the Basic Website Development course and be currently maintaining an IAM website.




Financial Officers Seminar

Financial Officers Seminars are conducted by the General Secretary-Treasurer’s Department. The responsibilities and duties of Financial Officers will be discussed. These seminars are limited to financial officers only.




Federal Employees Program

Federal employees work in a complex environment. The Federal Employees program uses seminars and workshops to educate federal sector employees about the legal and political aspects of their jobs. Participants learn about lobbying Congress, Workers Compensation (OWCP), the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA), Prohibited Personnel Practices, the Hatch Act, Grievance and Arbitration Processing, Strategic Planning, Communications and Collective Bargaining.



Advanced Federal Employees Program

This program provides labor representatives with a more in-depth look at FLRA procedures utilized in Federal Sector Collective Bargaining such as Negotiability Appeals.  It provides participants an opportunity to hone their Collective Bargaining skills through simulations including a mediation exercise with the Federal Mediation Conciliation Service (FMCS).  Participants also attend workshops directed at Arbitration and/or MSPB which includes developing the theory of the case, the preparation of witnesses and writing techniques.



Federal Employees Collective Bargaining Program

The Federal Employees Collective Bargaining program focuses on preparing for and the process of collective bargaining under the Federal Labor Relations Act.




Political Education Seminar

The Political Education Seminar teaches local and district representatives to become effective advocates for pro-labor legislation. Participants learn first-hand how to lobby their elected representatives from a variety of Congressional representatives and other speakers. They also learn follow-up techniques to ensure that legislators remain accountable




EAP Programs (I, II, III, IV & Special Topics)
  • EAP is a non-profit service offering a broad-brush approach designed to assist workers and their families through prevention, intervention, assessment, directed care, and follow-up services. An ideal EAP should provide a labor-initiated, union/employer cooperative workplace program through participatory policy and procedural training. Assistance is inclusive, attempting to cover all situations, conditions or instances which include Alcohol/Drug Abuse, Stress, Violence (Workplace & Domestic), Depression, Discrimination, Legal Problems, Gambling, etc. The benefits of an Employee Assistance Program in the workplace are that it: supports the employee, supports the employer, provides preventive care, provides immediate/crisis care, and supports the community.
  • EAP I covers EAP History; Core Technology; Disease Concept; Link to Community; Site Visit (Area Treatment Programs); Broad Brush Issues; Enable vs. Help; Listening; Job Description, and 12-Step Programs.
  • EAP II primary course topics include Core Technology; Disease Concept; Ethics; Confidentiality; Legal Issues; Strategic Planning; Health Insurance; Taking Care of Caregiver; Follow-up; Drug Testing, and Suicide Prevention.
  • EAP III course topics include Stress Workshops; Depression; Addiction; Taking Care of Caregiver; Presenteeism/Absenteeism; Nutrition; Mental Health; Meditation; EAP and Leaders; and EAP and Workers.
  • EAP IV course work will include advanced suicide prevention training, advanced skill development of field professionals, and preparation for CEAP certification.


Retirees Education and Strategy Program

The Retirees Strategic Education program is designed to teach active IAMAW retirees about issues confronting retired IAMAW members. Participants learn content, adult education methods, and strategic delivery systems to educate the retired IAMAW community.




Hazmat Training

This course focuses on learning to utilize resources such as: Safety Data Sheets, NJ Fact Sheets, the Emergency Response Guide Book, the NIOSH Pocket Guide and the OSHA 1910 General Industry Standard to identify chemicals and their associated hazards, select the proper personal protective equipment and apply proper tools and techniques when responding to chemical emergencies. A blend of classroom learning and a hands-on simulated spill response are used throughout the week.



Safety and Health Program

The Safety and Health program reflects the Department’s commitment to membership training as the key to a safer workplace. Course topics include Authorize OSHA Outreach courses, Hazardous Materials and Chemical Emergency Response, Accident/Incident Investigation, Workplace Inspection, Hazardous Chemical Recognition, Injury/Illness Prevention, Workplace Ergonomics, How to Set-up an Effective Safety and Health Committee, and more.




Local Chairmen Leadership Program

(no description)



Financial Officers Seminar

(no description)




Critical Incident Response System

(no description)



General Chairs Orientation Program

(no description)



Railroad Local Chairmen Seminar

This seminar enhances the skills of Railroad Local Chairmen to work under the Railway Labor Act. Participants learn how to handle complaints and process grievances all the way through the hearing stage. Participants also learn how the Railway Labor Act and the National Railroad Adjustment Board (NRAB) work.



Advanced Railroad Local Chairmen Seminar

(no description)



Transportation Local Lodge Election Program

(no description)




Veterans Committee Program

Beginning in October 2022, Local and District Lodges in the U.S. and Canada are directed to create Veterans Committees that will help and support IAM veterans in need. The Veteran’s Committee program teaches members how to start and organize a committee at their lodge and how to develop a program that provides resources and assistance to veteran members, including legislative issues, lobbying, partnerships with local Veterans Service Organizations, fundraising for Veteran’s causes, volunteering, community service, and more. During training, participants are encouraged to work collaboratively with one another to brainstorm and broaden the scope of the committee’s activities and offerings, similar to those in established Veterans Service Organizations.




Community Services Program

The Community Services program teaches members how to operate effective Community Service Committees in their locals and districts.  Participants learn how to carry out important activities such as strike assistance, communications, youth outreach programs, food drives, working with people with disabilities and helping members with financial or emotional problems. The program also deals with legislative impacts on Social Security and other important benefits.



Human Rights Program

The Human Rights seminar provides participants guidance on ways to become a constructive and pro-active force in their local and district lodges; explores strategies HR Committee members can use to become involved in the legislative process and encourage others to do the same; identify opportunities for HR Committee members to participate in organizing campaigns and encourage organizing among under-represented workers; encourages inclusion and participation of diverse groups of members to be involved in their locals and districts; provides HR Committee members with practical strategies for being an effective and vigorous advocate for diversity, mutual respect, fairness, and equality in the workplace and in the union; provides HR Committee members with an understanding of the resources available to them within the union and from like-minded groups and agencies; and helps HR Committee members develop effective intervention strategies and skills when confronted with a workplace harassment or diversity problem or complaint.



Women’s Leadership

The Women’s Leadership Program is designed to motivate union sisters to become active members within their locals and districts. The program is designed to build leadership skills and develop skills in the areas of organizing, parliamentary procedure, political and legislative involvement, strategic planning, and network building.



Advanced Women’s Leadership

The Women’s Advanced Leadership Program is designed to build on the lessons learned in the Women’s Leadership Program and further develops develops skills in the areas of leadership, organizing, parliamentary procedure, political and legislative involvement, strategic planning, and network building.




Young Workers Strategy Program

The Young Worker Training is designed to connect the IAM with younger members interested in becoming actively involved in our union. Participants will gain basic skills for union participation, learn where their interests fit into union activities and begin developing their talents to become tomorrow’s leaders. Members attending this training will be encouraged to work with lodge leaders to develop viable Young Machinists committees and begin the mentoring process for other young workers.

We are happy to announce that we are now taking registrations for the Members Only section of