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Leadership Programs are the heart and soul of the Winpisinger Center’s mission. Participants are enrolled in Leadership Programs by local or district lodge officers. Registration links and course descriptions can be found below in English, French, and Spanish.

2024 Call for Leadership Programs | English | French | Spanish

2024 Leadership Poster

2024 Table of Dates (print or download)

Registrations must be submitted by a lodge president, business representative, or general chair. No member or officer is permitted to submit their own registration. Use the link above to register: we are no longer accepting registrations via mail, fax, or as email attachments.


Leadership I teaches participants skills and duties necessary to be a good Local Lodge officer and/or active member. This program is the first of three successive programs designed for Local Lodge leadership. Participants explore the fundamentals of trade unionism and the basic laws and operation of the IAM through the following topics Labor History, Parliamentary Procedure & Lodge Administration, Structure & Services of the IAM, Government & Politics, Role of the Steward, and Human Rights.

Los cursos de liderazgo comprenden una serie de cuatro partes que tiene por objeto enseñar las aptitudes necesarias para lograr una dirigencia sindical eficaz. El primer curso de la serie, denominado Liderazgo I, es obligatorio para poder participar en los demás. Los alumnos aprenden los aspectos fundamentales del sindicalismo así como las normativas y reglas de operación básicas de la IAM. Entre las materias que se presentan en el curso se encentran las siguientes: procedimientos parlamentarios y administración organizacional, historia del movimiento sindical, gobierno y política, papel de delegado sindical, y derechos humanos.

Le leadership fait l’objet d’une série en quatre parties, dont chacune enseigne les aptitudes nécessaires pour assurer un leadership efficace au sein du syndicat. Le premier cours, Leadership I, est un préalable aux cours suivants. Les membres y apprennent les fondements du syndicalisme, les lois fondamentales ainsi que le fonctionnement de l’AIM. Les sujets abordés incluent notamment la procédure parlementaire et l’administration organisationnelle, l’histoire ouvrière, le gouvernement et la politique, le rôle du délégué syndical et les droits de la personne.

Prerequisites: none



Leadership II is designed to build on the work done in Leadership I towards making participants aware of the skills and duties necessary to be an effective member and leader in the Local Lodge. The program is the second of three successive programs designed for Local Lodge leadership. Participants expand their knowledge of trade unionism and the IAM through the following: Collective Bargaining, Issues & Lobbying, Advanced Steward Training, Organizing, and Labor History. 

El curso de Liderazgo II consolida las competencias aprendidas en el de Liderazgo I. Los alumnos realizan un análisis más profundo de algunos de los temas estudiados en Liderazgo I, además de analizar aspectos nuevos en cursos sobre negociación colectiva, cabildeo y otras cuestiones, capacitación avanzada para delegados sindicales e historia.

Le cours Leadership II mise sur les compétences enseignées dans le cadre du cours Leadership I. Les participants approfondissent leur étude de certains sujets abordés dans Leadership I et s’initient à de nouveaux sujets dont la négociation collective, les enjeux et le lobbying, la formation avancée aux délégués syndicaux et l’histoire.

Prerequisites: Leadership I, Liderazgo I, Leadership I



Advanced Leadership is designed to emphasize teamwork as an essential skill of Local Lodge leadership. This program is the third of three successive programs designed for Local Lodge leadership. Participants work as teams on projects and exercises in the classes and are assigned an additional strategic planning exercise which they must complete and present as a team at the end of the program. Participants further build their knowledge of trade unionism and the IAM through the following: Leadership Psychology, Collective Bargaining II, Work Place Communications, Union Ethics, and Organizing.

El programa de capacitación de capacitadores extiende las oportunidades educativas a los afiliados que se desempeñan en el ámbito externo. Durante el programa los miembros que han completado los cursos de Liderazgo I, II y Liderazgo avanzado aprenden a utilizar técnicas pedagógicas para adultos para enseñar materias como la formación de delegados sindicales y así poder organizar a sus miembros en forma directa. Un mayor número de afiliados se beneficia cuando sus representantes regresan a sus localidades tras haber realizado este programa y se encuentran sólidamente equipados para transmitir buenas competencias de liderazgo. 

Le cours Leadership Avancé vise à développer la capacité de travailler en équipe. En plus des travaux de cours réguliers, les participants travaillent sur des exercices de groupe et livrent une présentation de groupe à la fin de leur formation. Les participants à cette formation suivent des cours sur la négociation collective, la communication en lieu de travail, la psychologie du leadership, l’éthique syndicale, et l’organisation pour dirigeants syndicaux.

Prerequisites: Leadership I & II, Liderazgo I & II, Leadership I & II



The Train-the-Trainer program is designed to teach participants how to effectively develop curricula and teach other members and leaders in their Local and District Lodges as part of the IAM’s ongoing education program. Adult education methods and techniques are explained and emphasized through the following topics:

  • Education Methods – Adult Teaching Techniques
  • Teaching Role of the Steward
  • Teaching Grievance Investigation
  • Teaching Politics and the IAM
  • Teaching Communications
  • Teaching Union Basics 
  • Teaching Basic Lodge Administration
  • Teaching Organizing

Each class is limited to twenty-four participants. Participants are selected by Local Lodges in accordance with IAM policies or assigned by a General Vice President. Each District Lodge Directing Business Representative/General Chairperson may assign up to six participants to leadership classes, including Train-the-Trainer, per year.

Prerequisites: Leadership I, II, Advanced; Liderazgo I, II, Avanzado


We are happy to announce that we are now taking registrations for the Members Only section of